Thursday, 7 April 2016

Metaminds on eTwinning


A basic activity of eTwinning is twinSpace. It is a virtual collaborative platform that provides communication, collaboration and editing tools. It is a space where pupils can interact and express themselves for mutual enrichment. To fully exploit this tool potential, pupils and teachers’ contribution is required.
The project started with the registration of students. They were encouraged to communicate with students of other countries, to start interaction and to get to know each other.
TwinSpace is also a suitable platform to upload multimedia material. So, pupils were urged to post self-presentation videos.
Pupils engaged in all these activities successfully and enjoyed the process.
The teachers who were responsible for twinSpace, opened a forum where the pupils should post discussions, read and respond to posts written by other pupils.
The subjects involved likes and dislikes of students in their schools. Students were expected to start constructive discussions, to exchange opinions trying to understand each other. It was a unique experience and they liked it a lot.
The last activity so far was the creation of pages with specific topics like "My Classroom" and "My Favorite Places in School".  Pupils from all the countries posted photos with captions. A team uploaded a video about their school library.
Hence, the students improved and developed their ICT abilities, learned to be a part of a huge group of people, became familiar with other European schools, their environments and communities as well as accepted cultural differences. They also learned to communicate in an interactive way, had a possibility to improve their English and to take decisions.

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