Thursday, 24 March 2016

The METAMINDS Research – Preliminary Survey

As one of the aims of the METAMINDS partnership is to create a teacher training protocol on metacognitive competences, an important preliminary activity has been to prepare a questionnaire to be administered to as many teachers of the partner schools as possible.

From December to February, teachers belonging to the partner schools were asked to grade a set of 20 statements concerning their teaching experience. In particular, the statements investigated the teachers’ attitudes about 4 main areas: cognitive architectures, self reporting, emotions in knowledge, meta-reflective strategies.

The collected results were sent to the Spainsh Catalan partner who elaborated tables, statistics and graphs to make the results more easily understandable.  During the 2nd transnational project meeting in Copenhagen the questionnaire outcomes were analysed and discussed. 

This helped orienting the research and establish the main aspects the teacher training protocol will address.

Friday, 18 March 2016

The METAMINDS Logotype

In the 1st transnational project meeting in Rome, the Partnership committee decided that the official image representing the research would be chosen through a logotype contest to be held among the pupils of all the partner schools. A set of rules was prepared, and after the Christmas break the logotypes were collected and examined by the local Erasmus + boards.
Each country chose their 5 best logotypes, which were taken to the 2nd transnational project meeting in Copenhagen. There, a second selection took place, and the 7 best logos, 1 per school, were indicated.

During the official Erasmus + event at Langelinieskolen, the winning idea was unveiled: the work of a Catalan girl from IES Aubenç was the logotype chosen to represent the METAMINDS partnership.


After some restyling by the graphic experts of the partnership, the logotype will be included in all official publications and products.
All the 35 finalists will receive a diploma, and the winner will also be awarded a prize.
Well done to all the contestants and congratulations to Sónia Muntada Solé from INS Aubenç!

Written by Monica Melloni